Sveti Nikolaj Premudri Episkop Zicki i Ohridski. Ne pomaže molitva rečima, ako srce ne učestvuje u molitvi. Samo usrdnu molitvu sluša Bog.
Avva Ksoj Tivejski vraćao se jedanput sa Sinajske gore, pa sretne monaha koji mu se požali kako u manastiru mnogo stradaju od suše, Rekne mu Ksoj: zašto se ne molite i ne prosite od Boga?
Odgovori monah: i molimo se i prosimo, no kiše nema. Na to će Kcoj: očigledno, vi se ne molite usrdno. Hoćeš li da se uveriš da je to tako? I rekavši to uzdiže starac ruke k nebu i pomoli se. I kiša obilata spusti se na zemlju. Videvši ovo, udivljeni monah padne na zemlju pred starcem i pokloni mu se, no starac bojeći se slave ljudske, hitno pobegne od njega. — Prosite i daće vam se, rekao je sam Gospod. No zalud su usta puna molitve, ako je srce prazno: Bog ne stoji i ne sluša na ustima nego u srcu. Neka se srce ispuni molitvom, ma usta i ćutala. Bog će molitvu čuti i primiti. Jer samo usrdnu molitvu sluša Bog.
True Prayer
Saint Nikolai Most Wise Bishop of Zicha and Ochrid
Prayer consisting of words alone does not help if the heart does not participate in prayer. God hears only a fervent prayer. Abba Zoilus of Thebaid was once returning from Mt. Sinai and met a monk who complained to him, that they are suffering much from drought in the monastery. Zoilus said to him: „Why don’t you pray and implore God?“ The monk replied: „We have prayed and have implored, but there is no rain.“ To this, Zoilus replied: „It is evident that you are not praying fervently. Do you want to be convinced that it is so?“ Having said this, the elder raised his hands to heaven and prayed. Abundant rain fell to the earth. Seeing this, the astonished monk fell to the ground and bowed before the elder, but the elder, fearing the glory of men, quickly fled. The Lord Himself said: „Ask and it will be given you“ (St. Luke 11:9). In vain are mouths full of prayer if the heart is empty. God does not stand and listen to the mouth but to the heart. Let the heart be filled with prayer even though the mouth might be silent. God will hear and will receive the prayer. For God only listens to a fervent prayer.
Pripremio: Rab Božiji Stefan-Igor H.R.
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