Поштована браћо Срби и поштовне сестре Србкиње у Аустралији у овом допису вам представљам писма г.Милорада Тркуље
из Аустралије ваш Кукуље, 01.04.2011
која су упућена председнику ЦШО СВ. Стефан, Кејсборог г. Ратку Гудељу, попу Видеканићу и Епархији аустралијско-новозеландској односно надлежном владици Иринеју Добријевићу. Ово прво писмо је г.Тркуља написао 31.03.2011 а упућено је г. Гудељу и попу Видеканићу.
Као пдф документ прочитајте још и следећа писма:
31 March 2011
Postal Addresse 15 Church Road. Keysborough
Vic 3173 Tel: 9769 0059 Fax: 9706 3350
At: Mr.Ratko Gudelj President
RE: My Application to reinstate my member ship in Serbian Orthodocx Church St Stefan
Dear Mr Gudelj
In reference to the Church letter dated 27.3.2011 In first paragraph of you letter. In response to your reqest to re-instate you membership and anader things.
1. You advising me that I referring to the Church Constitution and you saying that I know better the Church Constitutions if I can be reinstated my membership.
2. You also state Church that one of Prists told your Committee Members that the member who no live close to another Church need to make application to that Church and give charity to church you like.
In response to your letter in the above two paragraphs:
Mr Gudelj and Rev Videkanic and all member of current Church Commiee you are wrong in law. In according to the Church Constitutions do not have provision to stop me or any person to make application to be a member. You and the Rev Videkanic and all current members are wrong in law.
Accourding to your interpretation of the Constatutions, Rev Videkanic has breached the Constitution as from 1985 to 2008, Rev Videkanic, was coming to my house in North Balwyn, Kew, and to 108/33 Jeffcott St. Melbourne 3000.
Also when my late Mother passed away on 10 December 2010, I came to our Church St Stefan Church to organsed her funeral, Rev Videkanic did not advise me according to your interpretation of the Church Constatutions that I should go to another Church close to my place in Melbourne.
On 18 January 2011, for 40 day for my late Mother Rev Videkanic also came to my Mother’s grave to pray with family.
In second paragraph of your letter, you are saying that you are thanking me for lending money to the Church 1984 you saying that Rev Videkanic was in Adelaide. And $500 money you pay to be life member the money if somebody taken from you for 25 years member ship, this is not life member.
The $500 for next 25 years membership, I have paid to Rev Videkanic in front of Mr Uros Dragojevic,Mr Slobodan Dakic, (Zika Civijas ) Mr Videkanic have, copy of the receipt of the Church invoice, but I do not ask the Church to refund me $500
In third paragraph of your letter
You advising me that our Church received from Serbian Diocesan Cuncncil signed by His Grace Bishop Irinej President.
Because anti-christain and anti-church works Milorad Trkulja, has advertising in Croatian immigration newspapers, and for organasing anti’serbian website “Smotra” and for advising that you will take legal action against Serbian Church and his Grace Bishop Irinej on antiserbian website “novinar” For life time prohibited to be Churche member in any church in Serbian Ortodox Church.
You also explain that I cannot be financial member in Australia. And You can come in the Church if you like and if you believe in Church.
In response to above I says as follow;
a) The advertising business in the Croatian Newpaper, is not against law of the Church Constitutions. The newspaper did not do anyting against our religion.
b) For you and rev Videkanic who are narrow manded. The Croatian buisnnis people also advertise in our Serbian newspaper.
c) I also advertase in Jewish / Greek / Vietnamese Newspapers and The Herald Sun and New Idea / Clea Magizine
d) Website Smotra was not anti- Serbian and was not edited by me
e) The “novinar de” is also not anti-Serbian website as you stating in you letter. I have give the intervju in respect of new Church Constitution that was enforse on the Serbian Community in Australia without approval of the Serbian Community in Australia.
f) I will issue writ gainst the His Grace Bishop Irinej President
In last 2 line of you letter you say: the Copy of the act or Church Judgment against me, that Church has recived from Serbian Diocesan Cuncncil, this coming to be legal matter, we can only give you if you have Court Order from Court.
For your information if you have received Judgment by His Grace Bishop Irinej, against me. If you and the Church Committee must provided Origonal of the Judgment within 14 day from today. If your donot provide me with the Judgment by 14 April 2011 at 2pm. I will instruct my solicitor to take legal action against the following.
a) His Grace Bishop Irinej President
b) the St Archdeacon Stefan Church
c) Rev Cedomir Videkanic
d) Mr Ratko Gudelj
e) Also all Currunt Church Members of Committee.
This is a discrimination and defamation against me.
Мy character against me and You personaly You act that bending me from all Serbian Church to be Member you must give me official original od the act that Church has received against me. Mr Gudelj, I officaly requesting that you and Church Committee provide me when your Church made decision to not re-instate my membership. And Origonal Judgment against me by His Grace Bishop Irinej President.
Mr Gudelj please provide me with Names and addresses all Committee Members of the St Archdeacon Stefan Church for the 2010 to 2011. Also Provide me with following:
(i) Balance sheet for 2009 to 2010
(ii) Provide me Copy of Contruct between Church and Rev Milan that Church leanding Money that was donated by Serbian Community for Church use only.
(iii) Mr Gudelj please advise me of the Church Constitutions section that the Church Committee autorased by Law to lend Church Money.
(iv) Provide copy of tax that the Church paid to the Tax office for 2009 and 2010
Mr Gudelj we leve in Australia and we both must respect the law of Australia.
S poštovanjem
Milorad Trkulja
108/33 Jeffcott St.
Melbourne 3000 Vic.
Tel: 9670 3333
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