The faithful of the Free Serbian Orthodox Church – Diocese for Australia & New Zealand have been seeking information regarding the status of proceedings No. 2011/247393 commenced in the Supreme Court of New South Wales by Bishop Irinej Dobrijevic against the Free Serbian Orthodox Church Diocese for Australia and New Zealand Property Trust (est. 1969).
Забринути Мирјанин, 10.05.2012
Australian Courts are an open forum and documents filed without restriction are considered Public. We provide you attached a copy of:
<PT First Statement of Facts dated 16 January 2012.pdf>
<PT Second Statement of Facts dated 4 May 2012.pdf>
Short Background
10 March 2011 published “Legal proceedings to be initiated for return of New Kalenich Monastery to the Serbian Orthodox Church”.
1 August 2011
Bishop Irinej Dobrijevic and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand Properties Ltd commenced proceedings No. 2011/247393 by filing a Statement of Claim in the Equity Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales against the Property Trust and its directors.
16 January 2012
The Property Trust commenced proceedings No. 2012/15046 by filing its First Statement of Facts in the Equity Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales seeking judicial advice.
6 February 2012
The Supreme Court of New South Wales ordered that the Property Trust is justified in seeking instructions and obtaining legal advice as to its prospects of success of defending the proceedings No. 2011/247393 commenced by Bishop Irinej Dobrijevic and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand Properties Ltd.
4 May 2012
The Property Trust served its Second Statement of Facts and other material on which it intends to rely on.
This Second Statement of Facts describes, inter alia the expected costs on the Property Trust in seeking advice and defending the proceedings commenced by Bishop Irinej Dobrijevic:
- · preliminary costs incurred to date of $23,513.68
- · costs of seeking judicial advice of $60,000.00
- · costs of future preparation of defences and interlocutory hearings of $99,795.00
- · costs of a future 10 day hearing, including preparation of written submissions, of $142,900.00
- · i.e. expected Property Trust costs of $326,208.68.
11 May 2012
The Property Trust is scheduled to serve and file any written submissions on which it intends to rely on.
18 May 2012
Bishop Irinej Dobrijevic and the Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand Properties Ltd is scheduled to serve and file any written submissions on which they intend to rely on.
22 May 2012
Scheduled hearing (estimated four hours) in the Equity Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
Defence Fund
A separate “Defence Fund” has been established exclusively for the purposes of defending the proceedings initiated by Bishop Irinej Dobrijevic that currently has a balance of $116,000.00.
Should you wish to donate to the defence of the St Sava Monastery – New Kalenic against Bishop Irinej Dobrijevic and the company he formed in 2008, Serbian Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand Properties Ltd, donations can be made in the name Free Serbian Orthodox Church – Diocese for Australia & New Zealand and sent to our current postal address PO Box 84, Yarraville VIC 3013.
Litigation is tragic and devastating for our community but we remind people throughout Australia and New Zealand, including our brothers, the Property Trust is only defending itself as you would defend your family.
Free Serbian Orthodox Church Diocese for Australia
and New Zealand Property Trust ACN: 000 623 745
A: St Sava Monastery – 453 Wallaroo Road, Wallaroo via Hall NSW 2618
P: PO Box 84, Yarraville VIC 3013
Dok naivne ovce budu sebi za pastire vukove birale, dotle ce i vukovi biti siti i sve ovce runa osisanog na crkvenom broju. One ovce koje se uznemire zbog kradja i prevara od strane laznih pastira i pravih vukova u ovcijoj kozi, majka crkva u „ime“ Boga kao buntovnike i otpadnike od nase Svete vjere Pravoslavne iz crkve ce iskljuciti, a poslusne SRBe koji pristaju na predaju crkveno narodne imovine velikodusno nagraditi poveljama i oredenom Svetog Save!
Takvo ponasanje majke crkve nema nikakve veze sa ucenjem Gospoda naseg Isusa Hrista, i ono je zato bolno i tesko za djecu njezinu, jer takvo ponasanje majke crkve nema nista zajednicko sa istinskom majcinom pravdom i ljubavlju.
Medjutim, sve sto dodje to i prodje, i zato ce proci i ovi dani SRBskog poniozenja, patnji i stradanja u kojima se majka nasa ponasa gore od macehe. Zato cuj majko jecaje vjerne djece tvoje, jer ona ce ti oprostiti blud i bezakonje ako se pokajes i pokrijes golotinju svoju. Zbog toga ne sablaznjavaj vise vjernu djecu svoju, jer ovako kao do sada, ako je i od majke – previse je!