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Рубрика: Политика, Србија, Вреди прочитати, Европа    Аутор: Владислав Б.Сотировић    пута прочитано    Датум: 31.10.2011    Одштампај
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Terror Act in Sarajevo

Will the Balkan Powder Keg once again explode?

Vladislav B. Sotirovic,29.10.2011


A young man Mevlid Jasharevic (23) from the city of Novi Pazar – an administrative centre of south Serbia’s province of Rashka, on Friday October 28th, 2011 afternoon about 16:00 hrs, shot with automatic weapons (“Kalashnikov”) on the U.S. embassy in Sarajevo – a capital of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He fired on the building with the five frame boxes of ammunition (each contains 30 bullets of 7,2 mm. calibre) while finally was shot and wounded in the leg when he tried to put to  the “Kalashnikov” the next sixth frame box of ammunition. During shooting, the attacker shouted “Allahu Ekber!”. Together with the attacker it was wounded and a policeman. It was at least one Jasharevic’s accomplice, who after shooting the embassy building from the direction of “Civil Engineering and Geodesy” and “Mechanical School”, fled.

The attacker Mevlid Jasharevic is associated with a terrorist group, which is trained in the village of Gornja Maocha in Muslim-Croat part of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Boshnjak-Croat Federation” that is 51% of Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina). This terrorist group was led by Muslim Nusret Imamovic from Bosnian town of Kalesia before the group was destroyed last year in February by police and anti-terrorist forces action when beside Imamovic, six more people were arrested. In Jasharevic’s vest it was found two hand grenades. It became clear that Jasharevic is a member of Arab Wahhabi movement’s branch in Novi Pazar and that for the first time he became known in early December last year when, during the visit of Novi Pazar by Serbia’s officials from Belgrade accompanied by a group of a dozen western ambassadors in Serbia, including and the U.S. Ambassador Mary Warlick, was arrested on the street of Novi Pazar together with Fatmir Muratovic, also from Novi Pazar, for the reason that they prepared a terror act on the U.S. ambassador.

The terrorist attack in Sarajevo is for sure another confirmation of how much is danger Wahhabi type of radical Islamist movements and that in this struggle against organized Islamic terrorism it is necessary alliance and partnership of all police and security services in the region.

However, the last terror act in Sarajevo organized and committed by the Balkan Wahhabi group is not the first and probably not the last. On January 15 th, 2008 in special state court of Serbia started in Belgrade a court procedure against a group of militant Muslims from southern Serbian province of Raška. A group was accused for planning a terrorist acts in Belgrade in the style of „Al-Qaeda“.

Planned Terror Act in Belgrade

On December 5th, 2007 Serbia’s state security forces arrested in Serbia’s southern region of Rashka (populated by mixed Serb Orthodox and Boshnjak Muslim inhabitants) 15 members of a Islamic Wahhabi terrorist group which originally comes from Saudi Arabia. They have been charged by the Serbian authorities for planning terror attacks on various locations in the Serbia’s capital Belgrade that were to include bombings of the US Embassy in Serbia as well. According to the indictment, the arrested Muslims have engaged in terror planning and the evidence includes confiscated weapons, various communication intercepts between the Wahhabi members inside Serbia, Bosnia and Saudi Arabia and detailed maps with specific markings for potential targets. According to the Belgrade prosecutor office, the indicted Wahhabies have established a close network with the similarly minded individuals, commanders, ideologues and mentors abroad – in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria and Saudi Arabia, with whom they were communicating through telephones, email and otherwise, and through the recorded commands on CDs.

The 15 Muslim men that are charged are led by Muslim Boshnjak Senad Ramovic from the city of Novi Pazar where rival Muslim groups have recently engaged in mutual violence. The authorities in Serbia issued the statement that Senad Ramovic was planning, among other terrorist acts to assassinate the rival Muslim leader Mufti Muamar Zukorlic. One of the accused, Senad Vjeselovic, also from Rashka, told that the group was in close contact with various radicals in Mecca and Madina, both in Saudi Arabia, who were transmitting orders from Sheiks on whether Mufti Zukorlic should be assassinated or not. Serbian authorities have also found maps in the confiscated computer owned by Mehmed Koljshija, a member of the terrorist group. The maps identified locations inside the city of Belgrade such as the National Theatre, Beogradjanka building (highest building in the Balkans), Hotel Park (all buildings in the down town) and the U.S. Embassy (in the street of Knez Milosh in the very down town). Serbia’s state security forces have also confiscated various weapons that can fully arm between 30 to 40 individuals.

The Wahhabies at the Balkans

The Wahhabies, or as they often call theemselves the „fighters for pure Islam“, arrived to the Balkans firstly to Bosnia and Herzegovina during the civil war in 1992-1995 and left their up today.[i] Some of them took active part in the war as  members of the Mujahedin unites under command of Muslim government of Bosnia and Herzegovina.[ii] After the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina[iii] they  have been active in Kosovo  since the mid 1990s and they are now running some 30 Kuran schools. Kosovo Albanian-language media reported several times that by their unimpeded activity after the Kosovo War in 1998-1999, the identity of Muslim Albanian community is experiencing serious trials. By explicitly opposing any foreign cultural influence, Wahhabies are imposing their „exclusive teachings“ at funerals, circumcision rites and religious gatherings, contest the theory of natural or social occurrences and offer in return their interpretation of the Sharia or the Kuran. According to the Prishtina media, for instance, a young man from Pec (western Kosovo) Elvis Goga is known as the chief Mujahedin in Kosovo, and said that nongovernmnetal organisations, still active under the umbrela of the Joint Saudi Committee for Aid to Kosovo and Chechnya, had contributed to the expansion of Wahhabism in Kosovo.[iv]
Many of Islamic nongovernmental organisations arrived in Kosovo after the war in 1999 dealing with the poverty in Kosovo town suburbs, but also in a great measure in surrounding villages, have to respect the Saudi government´s stand to stay active on the ground „as long as there is a need for that“. According to recent writings by Serbian political and security analysts, Kosovo Albanians and international Mujahedins, including and those who are members of Al Qaeda and Wahhabi movement, are making preparations for a possible kind of „Kosovo Spring“ in the case that the international/western KFOR and EULEX institutions in Kosovo will not be able to bring northern part of Kosovo, currently with local Serb administration, under full political control and governence by the central authority in Prishtina.[v]



[i] More about who are Wahabbies at: http://wn.com/who_are_wahhabies_?orderby=relevance&upload_time=all_time

[ii] There is a short documentary movie made by the British “SKY News” after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina about Arab Mujahedins fighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the side of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina led by Muslim government in Sarajevo and about the impact of Wahabbies on Muslim society in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. A full access to the movie is on:   http://vimeo.com/8482257

[iii] Many of those Arab Mujahedins received after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina a citizenship and passports of this country as a grant for their active participation in the war. According to some western sources, it was around 5000 Arab Mujahedins including and the Wahabbies from Saudi Arabia fighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The most infamous Muhajedin military unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina was the “El Mujahedin”. However, after the pressure by the U.S. and British governments passports issuing policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina is radically restricted for the former Mujahedins and present Wahabbies.

[iv] About Wahabbies, Al Qaeda, Jihadists and Mujahedins in Kosovo see the article “Al Qaeda in Kosovo” at:  http://www.serbianna.com/columns/mb/035.shtml

[v] For example, see at: http://www.nspm.rs/komentar-dana/dzihad-u-sarajevu.html. About CIA and Al Qaeda in the Balkans see at: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1394711/posts


Vladislav B. Sotirovic

http://www.crucified-kosovo.eu http://srbskipatriotskifront.webs.com vladislav-b-sotirovic@crucified-kosovo.eu

1 коментар у вези “Wahhabies – A New Danger for Balkan Security”
  1. Napad muslimanskog ekstremiste Melvida Jasarevica na americku ambasadu u Sarajevu, samo je dokaz koliko su mnogo pojedini muslimani u Bosni nezadovoljni sa americkom spoljnom politikom u toj zemlji, koju oni dozivljavaju kao imperijalisticku.

    Osim toga, napad na americku ambasadu u Sarajevu, pokazao je cijelom svijetu, da je Bosna bila i ostala u Evropi, zemlja muslimanskih terorista, u kojoj se oni regrutuju i obucavaju da budu „sveti ratnici Korana“ i zatim salju po bijelome svijetu da u ime Muhameda ubijaju sve one koji ne misle i ne veruju kao oni.

    Odgovornost za takvo stanje u Bosni snosi najvise sama Amerika. Ona je tokom rata u Bosni, i javno i tajno i sakom i kapom pomagala ne zakonitu borbu muslimana protiv pravoslavnih SRBa. Zato je sada doslo vreme zetve, da amerikanci zanju zlo, koje su oni za vreme rata u Bosni posijali.

    Da bi sakrili od javnosti pravu istinu o tome koliko su puno muslimani Bosne umjesani u medjunarodni terorizm, tajni vladari svijeta zato kriju od javnost pravu istinu o znacaju bosanske veze povodom teroristickog napada muslimana 11 septembra 2001 godine u Njujorku, ili muslimanskog osvetnickog napada na voz u Spaniji. Postoje i mnogi drugi slucajevi medjunarodnog terorizma koji posredno ili neposredno imaju direktnu vezu sa muslimanima u Bosni!

    Tako su amerikanci u ratu protiv SRBa, podrzavajuci muslimane Bosne – posijali vetar, a sada zanju oluju muslimanskih terorista koji ce ponovo prije ili poslije do Amerike stici. Tako ce nevino prolivena krv SRBskih Mucenika u borbi za Krst casni i Slobodu zlatnu, pasti na glavu onih koji su je prolili i na djecu njihovu!

    Zato SRBi nemaju potrebe da se nikome svete, jer osveta ne pripada nama. Osveta pripada samo Bogu, a Gospod najbolje zna, kada treba da se sveti neprijateljima Bozijim za njihove zlocine pocinjene nad SRBima – SRODNICIMA SVOJIM!

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