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Рубрика: Политика, Актуелно, Религија, Србија, Европа    Аутор: Владислав Б.Сотировић    пута прочитано    Датум: 16.03.2011    Одштампај
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srusena-crkva-kosovo-200.jpgThe most genocidal action committed by local Albanians under the auspicious by the NATO’s troops in Kosovo & Metohija

Vladislav B. Sotirovic, 15.03.2011


from the mid-June 1999 was the „March Pogrom“ from March 17th to March 19th of 2004. These three days and nights of Albanian vandalism and ethnic cleansing of non-Albanians from the region, primarily the autochthonous Serbs, in the Nazi „Kristallnacht“-style resulted in devastation of 19 cultural monuments, 6 of which fall into 1st category – churches from the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, and 16 religious objects without heritage value, which makes a total of 35 recorded cultural properties and churches of Serb nation.

Only during the period between 1999 and 2004 (the first 5 years of NATO’s occupation of Kosovo & Metohija), in this region 15 cultural monuments from the 1st category and 23 from the 3rd category have been destroyed, which makes a total of 38 recorded cultural properties out of much more destroyed Serbian cultural properties of minor importance. The group of cultural properties at risk , i.e. preserved monuments, includes 88 properties: 31 from the 1st and 57 from the 3rd category.

After the „March pogrom“ in 2004, as the most remarkable vandalistic assault of the Muslim Kosovo Albanian terrorists, the number of devastated most important cultural properties has reached 21 for the 1st and 36 for the 3rd category, which makes a total of 47 monuments and objects (end of March 2004). If we take into account all the other destroyed cultural properties, as well as ordinary religious objects, the total surpasses 140 cultural monuments, churches and other religious objects up to mid-2004.

pzz01m.jpgIt is clear that Europe is facing the organized and deliberate destruction of monuments and religious objects alongside with devastation of private property of Serbian nation in the cradle of Serbian civilization and history by militant-fanatic Albanians who took example of Catholic Croat-run genocide against the Serbs committed three times in the 20th century (1914-1918; 1941-1945 and 1991-1995) in Croatia, Dalmatia, Slavonia, Srem, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim in both cases was and is to erase any trace of Serbian Orthodox civilization and the Serbian cultural heritage westward from the Drina River and in Kosovo & Metohija. The genocide is accompanied with promotion of totally false historical data, undue claims to cultural and historic heritage belonging to other people and the changing and renaming of geographical names and toponyms.

We have not to forgot that many Kosovo-Metohija Albanians took participation in ethnic cleansing of the Serbs from the Krayina region (Republic of Serbian Krayina) in Titoist-Tuđman’s Greater Croatia in 1991-1995 as volunteers or mercenaries in Croatian army or ultra-right party-military detachments. Some of these Albanians even received the rank of the generals in the Croatian Army like terrorist and war-criminal Agim Cheku who later became one of the leading commanders of the Albanian „Kosovo Liberation Army“ and later the chief-commander of the „Kosovo Protection Corps“ (transformed KLA).

The other KLA top war criminals after the mid-June 1999 took an active part in political life in the region and one of them, Ramush Haradinaj (a leader of the „Alliance for the Future of Kosovo“ and deputy-chief-commander of the „Kosovo Protection Corps“), even became „Prime Minister“ of „Kosova“ in 2004. Unfortunately, but not and surprisingly, such a situation in Kosovo & Metohija, likewise in Croatia, met no adequate response from the international professional circles coming from the „democratic West“ with the exclusion of Serbian professionals and institutions from the heritage protection system.

During the time from the mid-June 1999 up today as the major problems in the context of protection and preservation of the Serbian Christian Orthodox cultural heritage in Kosovo & Metohija are:

•·         Access to cultural properties and work on their protection is impossible for the exiled Serbian experts,

•·         For the most monuments and objects no protection has been provided,

•·         Recommended regimes of protection are not being improved nor implemented,

•·         Measures of protection are not being put into effect, or, to be more precise, they are being implemented in a discriminative manner,

•·         Not a single process of rehabilitation of devastated or destroyed Serbian Christian Orthodox monuments has been initiated,

•·         Supervision by responsible higher rank institutions of the Republic of Serbia has been precluded,

•·         Vandalization of cultural properties is still occurring, but the offenders have not been condemned never mind apprehended,

•·         Disrespect for the international legal acts, and

•·         Application of a policy of „double standards“ by UNMIK and NATO.

Historically, Serbian Christian Orthodox artistic, cultural and religious heritage of Kosovo & Metohija (both movable and immovable properties) has been exposed to the most severe damages and devastation by local Muslim Albanians during the last 250 years, but particularly after the arrival of the civic „UN Mission in Kosovo“ (UNMIK) and NATO military occupation of the region under the label of the „Kosovo Protection Forces“ (KFOR) in the mid-June 1999. The territory of Kosovo & Metohija is Serbian centre of cultural, religious and artistic heritage of the highest value in European context that is, first of all, a testimony of historical presence of the Serbs, Serbian culture and Serbian civilization.

This heritage belongs to the mankind and is thus worth of protection in accordance with the principle of the „European common heritage“. Salvaging and preserving the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija is a great challenge and duty to be undertaken by modern and democratic Europe if it is.


Vladislav B. Sotirovic

Владислав Б. Сотировић





1 коментар у вези “Albanian „Kristallnach“, March 17-19, 2004: A Commemoration”
  1. […] Новая волна антисербских погромов в марте 2004 года получила известность как «албанская хрустальная […]

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