Hristofor, mitropolit srednjezapadnoamerički, koga su mediji u SAD proglasili članom viteškog reda templara,
u intervjuu za „24 sata” tvrdi da nije član te organizacije i objašnjava zbog čega je, kako kaže, greškom doveden u vezu sa njima.
Da li ste templar?
– Ni ja ni bilo koji drugi sveštenik nismo članovi vitezova templara.
Da li pretpostavljate zbog čega je vaše ime dovedeno u vezu sa templarima?
– U novinama (Čikago tribjun) je objavljena greška o mom članstvu u tom novom društvu, koje nema nikakve veze sa onim istorijskim templarima sa rimokatoličkog Zapada koji su mnogo zla naneli istočnim pravoslavnim hrišćanima. U SAD i u svetu ima velik broj takvih društava.
O kakvoj se organizaciji radi?
– Ta organizacija se bavi humanitarnim zadacima. Ja i još dvojica ljudi iz Beograda bili smo njihovi gosti na banketu u Čikagu. Tada su poslali humanitarnu pomoć za naše ljude na Kosovu, a mi smo se odazvali pozivu da bismo se zahvalili.
Da li ste i ranije imali kontakt?
– Oni su se uvek prema nama ljudski i prijateljski ponašali. Njihov šef je američki general i dobar prijatelj srpskog naroda. Ponavljam, nisam član, niti aktivno učestvujem u toj organizaciji, jer nemam vremena.
Zašto oni nose ime templara ako to nisu?
– Ovi „templari” nemaju veze sa istorijskim templarima i nigde ne tvrde da su nastavljači ili naslednici te prvobitne organizacije. Verovatno im se taj naziv sviđa.
Da li postoji još neka humanitarna organizacija sa kojom ste u kontaktu?
– Mi imamo našu pravoslavnu humanitarnu organizaciju u SAD. Već su dosta toga poslali, kako Srbima, tako i mnogim drugim ljudima širom sveta.
izvor: 24.sata; R. Bulatović – 05.01.2010. – 02:53
Američki templar budući patrijarh SPC ?
R. Bulatović – 04.01.2010. – 02:22
Dejan Mileković, veliki prior Velikog priorata Srbije, kaže za „24 sata” da u njihovom postojanju nema ničeg misterioznog i da je hrišćanska vera jedini uslov da neko postane templar…
Mitropolit srednjezapadnoamerički Hristofor ispunjava sve uslove da do 15. februara, kada je najavljeno da će SPC dobiti novog poglavara, postane novi spski patrijarh. Prema pisanju američkog „Čikago tribjuna“, on je čaln viteškog reda templara i prisustvovao je prošlog meseca okupljanju ovog reda u tom američkom gradu.
TAJNA – Mirko Đorđević, sociolog religije, smatra da SPC ne bi imala ništa protiv kada bi mitropolit Hristofor postao patrijarh.
– Teoretski to je moguće, jer sve vladike koje imaju petogodišnji staž mogu da biraju i da budu izabrane. Ne verujem da bi SPC imala bilo šta protiv, jer templari se bave milostinjskom delatnošću. Naša crkva o njima nema negativno mišljenje, jer i pravoslavna crkva poštuje relikviju Jovana Krstitelja Preteče, a templari se drugačije zovu Jovanovci i čuvaju tu tradiciju – kaže Đorđević i za naš list napominje da mu nije poznato da je neki vladika član malteškog reda.
Dejan Mileković, veliki prior Velikog priorata Srbije, kaže za „24 sata” da u njihovom postojanju nema ničeg misterioznog i da je hrišćanska vera jedini uslov da neko postane templar.
– Nismo tajno društvo, nema tajnog rituala. Zabuna nastaje zato što se mnogo gledaju strani kanali, Da vinčijev kod… Ako odbijemo bilo koga da bude naš član, kako ćemo u UN, gde imamo specijalni savetodavni status kao i većina NVO, poput Unicefa, objasniti da nekoga diskriminišemo. Bio bih presrećan da je sveštenik član naše organizacije – napominje Mileković.
Templari u Srbiji su se, prema njegovim rečima, obratili i SPC.
– Imamo korektan odnos. Uspevamo da neke ljude iz crkve obavestimo šta radimo. Organizacija smo koja se bavi humanitarnim radom, učestvujemo u akcijama UN, kao što su položaj žena, problemi siromašnih. Moderni templari su nastavili baštinu hrišćanskog viteštva, ali ne kao krstaši, već kao organizacija koja pomaže. Članovi smo i Biroa za mir, pa je čak bilo i razgovora ranije da i patrijarha Pavla predložimo za Nobelovu nagradu za mir – kaže Mileković.
Ron Methjuvmen, veliki prior u Čikagu, nije mogao da nam potvrdi da li je mitropolit Hristofor član templara.
Prvi episkop rođen u Americi
Mitropolit Hristofor je rođen u Galvestonu u Teksasu. Kršteno ime mu je Velimir Kovačević. Budući mitropolit Hristofor je bio deveto od dvanaestoro dece srpskih emigranata. Nakon završene više škole, studirao je i diplomirao na Bogoslovskom fakultetu „Sveti Sava” u Libertvilu, Ilinois. Nastavio je obrazovanje i doktorirao na Teološkom fakultetu u Čikagu. Bio je veliki pobornik ujedinjenja crkve u vremenu raskola u SPC i danas se zalaže za jedinstvenu crkvu. Sinod SPC ga je 1970. imenovao za episkopa i tom prilikom je dobio ime Hristofor. On je prvi episkop rođen u SAD koji je dobio episkopiju u Severnoj Americi. Za Mitropolita srednjeameričkog imenovan je 1991. Jedan je od 34 kandidata za 45. patrijarha Srpske pravoslavne crkve.
Od krstaša do 20. veka
Nakon osvajanja Jerusalima, vitezovi koji su štitili hodočasnike na putu u Svetu zemlju zvali su se Siromašni vitezovi Isusa Hrista, a postali su poznati kao templari.
Dele se na
Vitezovi (teška konjica)
Oružnici (laka konjica)
Farmeri (upravljali zemljom)
Kapelani (sveštenici)
Osim u ratovima za oslobađanje Jerusalima, borili su se u Španiji i Portugalu, zbog čega su dobili brojne posede, a u njihovoj vlasti bila je i kraljevina Aragon.
Uticaj istoka
Zahvaljujući kontaktima templara s muslimanskim istokom, Evropljani su se vratili rimskom običaju brijanja brada, a više od 1.000 arapskih reči ušlo je u evropske jezike.
Po prestanku ratova, red Templara je prerastao u red bankara koji su bili oličenje zelenaštva.
Petak 13. templara
Kamate od 15 odsto izazvale su netrpeljivost kod dužnika. Jedan od njih, Filip Lepi, kralj Francuske, pohapsio je u petak 13. oktobra 1307. veliki broj templara i sve ih pogubio. Tako je rešio pitanje svojih dugova, a da bi osigurao podršku pape, oteo ga je i odveo u Francusku.
Ogromna imovina Reda data je Vitezovima Svetog Jovana, koji su negovali i pomagali bolesne hodočasnike.
Templari danas
Templara danas ima više od 5.500 u čitavom svetu.
Templari u savremenoj umetnosti
Mit o templarima kao čuvarima Svetog grala tema je filma Indijana Džons i poslednji krstaš. U književnosti su opevani u romanu Dena Brauna „Da Vinčijev kod“, prema kojem je snimljen film.
izvor: 24 Sata, R. Bulatović – 04.01.2010. – 02:22
International Knights Templar: Tinley Park Village Clerk Patrick Rea to lead worldwide philanthropic group
Group copes with misconceptions over Knights Templar medieval order, ‘Da Vinci Code’
People have called Tinley Park Village Clerk Patrick Rea and asked if he knows where the Holy Grail is, he said. Rea will lead the International Knights Templar next fall. (Tribune photo by David Pierini / December 14, 2009)
By Kristen Schorsch Tribune reporter December 22, 2009
The aura of the warrior monks who founded the Knights Templar nearly 900 years ago has stirred controversy and fed the appetite of conspiracy theorists for years.
In Dan Brown’s 2003 novel, „The Da Vinci Code“, which became a film starring Tom Hanks, the knights were depicted as a cultish society linked to the Vatican and concealing church secrets, including the location of the Holy Grail.
Today there are dozens of Knights Templar organizations worldwide that have spawned from the medieval military order, and the new face of one of the largest groups is Tinley Park Village Clerk Patrick Rea.
Rea, 69, a retired Army Reserve brigadier general, was unanimously elected in November in Lisbon, Portugal, as grand master of the International Knights Templar. Now in the group’s No. 2 post, Rea will begin an eight-year term as its leader next fall.
The organization of about 5,500 members was founded in 1804 and follows in the Christian philanthropic tradition of the original Knights Templar, but the group still is plagued by misconceptions.
„Most of the time it’s amusing, some of the time it’s embarrassing, and a little bit of the time, I have fun with it,“ Rea said.
People have called Rea asking if he knows the location of the Holy Grail, a cup Jesus is said to have used during the Last Supper.
„Three years ago I said yes, and there was sort of a gasp on the other end of the telephone line,“ Rea recalled. „(He) said, ‘Where is it?’ „
Rea told the caller the Holy Grail was under a rail station in Tinley Park. Then he told the police chief to be on the lookout for someone digging around the tracks. And with that, Rea belted out a laugh.
Warrior monks founded the medieval Knights Templar in the early 1100s to protect Christians visiting the Holy Land from bandits. They amassed enormous wealth as pilgrims donated land and money to them, said Helen Nicholson, a reader in medieval history at Cardiff University in Wales. About 200 years later, they were accused of heresy and blasphemy, among other claims, so royalty could seize their wealth, Nicholson said. Many were tortured into confessions. Some were burned at the stake. The knights eventually were found innocent but were disbanded. Experts disagree on where the knights’ treasure went, if any ever existed.
The International Knights Templar claims no direct lineage to and does not share the original knights’ mysterious past.
Rea’s Templars hold public meetings, and roughly half of the members are from the United States and the other half from about 30 other countries, he said. About 50 percent of members are Roman Catholic, and the others a mix of Eastern Orthodox and Protestant religions. Women, called Dames, also are members, though most Templars are men. Non-Christians can be associate members, a nod to the group’s philosophy of outreach and understanding world religions.
Templars don white capes with a red cross on the left shoulder, but mainly in ceremonies in churches for new members, Rea said.
Templars must be 21 years old, proven leaders — that includes soldiers to PTA presidents — and recommended by three people in the order. Charity and peacekeeping are the group’s main objectives.
„Mostly this is a giving situation,“ said Rea, who became a Templar 17 years ago. „What you’re able to do is influence international issues by meeting with international officials and supporting the churches as they try to carry out their missions.“
The members of this group range from a who’s who in royalty and the military to local bishops and village workers. Tinley Park Mayor Ed Zabrocki is a Templar. So is Metropolitan Christopher, who leads the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America.
Rea, who has been dubbed a count of a province in Spain, includes dukes and princesses among his friends. Because of his Templar ties, many members who come to Chicago often stay in Tinley Park.
As grand master, his role will be to maintain and develop relationships between religious leaders around the globe, a duty he has performed for years. He held a reception of worldwide church heads a year ago to honor a late Palestine Liberation Organization cabinet member.
„I’d be foolish to say that there isn’t a little risk“ when traveling to potentially dangerous lands, said Rea, a retired banker who served under President George W. Bush as a Small Business Administration regional administrator.
Princess Renate zu Windisch-Graetz, a Dame and former German consul in Chicago, said Rea stood up in her wedding and years later planned her husband’s funeral.
„If your car breaks down, he has somebody who has another car, and if you’re hungry, he’ll find a family who has too much food,“ she said.
Besides sending delegates to United Nations conferences to offer their expertise, Templars also start philanthropic projects with their annual $100 dues, Rea said.
Templars have shipped 30 tons of school supplies to Afghanistan, transformed three railroad cars into a roving church in Siberia and set up a clinic in Cameroon to fight the high mother- and infant-mortality rate, Rea said.
Closer to home, the Templars provide gifts and a Christmas meal for hundreds of low-income children at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood. „There are a lot of kids who will not get anything ( for Christmas) except here,“ said the Rev. John Tilford, a Templar for at least 20 years.
The Templars say Rea’s knowledge of the order as well as his organizational and diplomatic skills helped him earn his new role.
„He had his fingertips on all of these things,“ said Ronald Matthewman, the Templars’ Grand Prior of Canada and a nominating committee member. „He was the obvious person to choose.“
Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune,0,90879.story,tinley-park-knights-templar-122809.article
И овде се спомиње „помоћ“ темплара српским верницима у Србији за време НАТО Агресије
„…Responding to an immediate need in 2002, the Order in the US has suggested that each Priory sponsor a classroom in Afghanistan and this effort has been recognized by the King as assisting over 5,000 Afghan women restart their education.
In Serbia, in the late 1990s, the Order was instrumental in changing the “NATO rules of engagement” to protect Serbian Christians as they sought to practice their religion (The Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church credits this effort in saving of over 2,500 lives).
In Russia, since the mid 1990s, the Order worked with His Beatitude Alexis II to re-establish the Russian Orthodox Church throughout Russia, in the construction of the new Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow and the establishment of a medical/church train to travel throughout Siberia where formal churches do not exist. The Order supports efforts to improve understanding among the world religions through the Center for Peace & Diplomacy (run by a Templar Knight) which recently has sponsored meetings the Sudan, Iran and Pakistan bringing together religious and community leaders. The Order is also active with Knightsbridge International (run by Templar Knights) to bring food and medical treatment to war-torn areas in the Philippines, Afghanistan and Iraq where the fighting deters other established charities from involvement. Local Priories may also choose other local charities to assist the “lame, ill and needy”…….
А онда су ваљда, да би спречили некаква могућа, будућа НАТО „бомбардовања“ направили ово у сред Београда.
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