Na zvaničnom sajtu Pravoslavnog bogoslovskog fakulteta Univeziteta u Beogradu, objavljen je spisak nastavnog osoblja ove visokoškolske ustanove
U njemu je i ime , koji je ovde označen kao „gostujući profesor“.
Dr Jure Zečević je i sekretar veća Hrvatske biskupske konferencije za ekumenizam, u kojoj oblasti važi za specijalistu ili kako ga katolički nedeljnik „Glas koncila“ predstavlja: „prof. dr. Jure Zečević, tajnik Vijeća Hrvatske biskupske konferencije za ekumenizam i istaknuti ekumenski djelatnik.
Za mene, naivnog laika, je novost da papinovci predaju na beogradskom Bogoslovskom fakultetu, koji više ne pripada Srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi već državnom univerziteu, kako to stoji na sajtu. Dekan ovog fakulteta episkop bački Irinej, prodekan za nauku, ministar vera Bogoljub Šijaković, a među profeorima su i episkopi Ignjatije i Porfirije /docent, inače, visoki državni funkcioner u oblasti radija i televizije/.
Verujem da ni 99,99 % pravoslavnih Srba ne zna da ovaj Jure predaje nešto na pomenutom fakultetu u Beogradu. Ako je već tu, gospon Jure je sigurno “djelatan i učinkovit”, u zadatku na koji ga je uputio Vatikan.
Mnoga se pitanja nameću i pošto sam ja zaista neupućen u ove relacije, molio bih da neko odgovori na pitanja, koja sigurno zanimaju:
Šta Dr Jure predaje u Beogradu srpskim studentima?
Ko ga je tu i kada postavio, ko ga je predložio?
Ko postavlja i na čiji predlog nastavno osoblje na Pravoslavnom bogoslovskom fakultetu u Beograd?
Ko određuje nastavni programß
Ko nas to preko „ekumenizma“ podvodi papi i moramo li mi laici /verni narod/ prihvatati ovo, ako su u instaliranju biskupskog tajnika, učestvovale i naše vladike???
S poštovanjem,
Kratak komentar:
Ovo je prvi put u istoriji SPC da jedan Latin – jeretik – otpadnik predaje na Bogoslovskom fakultetu u Beogradu.
izvor:, 04.11.2009
“Ekumenizam u obnovi poslijeratne zajednice” – predavanje u Vukovaru
Možemo li zajedno?-ekumenizam u obnovi poslijeratne zajednice naziv je predavanja koje je u organizaciji Europskog doma Vukovar održao prof.dr. sc. Jure Zečević, pročelnik Katedre za ekumensku teologiju Katoličkog bogoslovnog fakulteta u Zagrebu i tajnik Vijeća Hrvatske biskupske konferencije za ekumenizam i dijalog.
U svom je predavanju istaknuo kako moramo imati prostora za život tako da ga omogućimo i drugom pored sebe ili ćemo, kako je rekao u sebi i oko sebe imati džunglu.
„Ako smo kršćani, nemamo drugu alternativu nego graditi svijet suradnje razumijevanja i mira. U tom smislu trebamo se kloniti jeftinih i olakih propovjedničkih riječi jer iskustva koje ljudi imaju su duboka i vrijedna pažnje, a istovremeno moramo nešto činiti da bismo našli zajednički jezik i mogli jedni s drugima živjeti tako da jedni drugima budemo olakšanje i pomoć, a ne teret“, rekao je Zečević.
Izvor: radio vukovar
Preneto sa:
On Thursday, November 18, 2004 after Holy Liturgy, the opening ceremony of the International Theological Symposium at the Orthodox Theological Faculty of Belgrade University took place. The Symposium was convened on the occasion of the anniversary of two historical events: the 950th anniversary of the Great Schism (1054) and the 800th anniversary of the fall of Constantinople into the hands of the Crusaders (1204). The dean of the Theological Faculty, Protopresbyter Dr. Vladan Perisic, and, on behalf of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Pavle, His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral gave the introductory remarks. The Metropolitan emphasized that the theme was very interesting and that all participants in the work of the Symposium were faced with a great task.
Dr. Ioannis Tarnanidis of the Theological Faculty in Salonica and Dr. Milos Antonovic of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade chaired the first working session. The first speaker was Dr. Jure Zecevic on the “Fortieth anniversary of the removal of the anathema of 1054”. The presenter analyzed the meeting of Patriarch Athenagoras of Constantinople and Pope Paul VI on the Mount of Olives, an event that was interpreted as an expression of mutual understanding and love. The second speaker was Dr. Bogdan Dolenc on the “Difference between universal and Eucharistic ecclesiology: Two approaches to the unification of the two Churches”. This professor of the University of Ljubljana analyzed the Eucharistic ecclesiology of the East, highlighting Nikolay Afanasyev as the main representative of this school, and Metropolitan Ioannis of Pergamos as the greatest theologian of this age who interprets ecclesiology in this manner. At the conclusion of his presentation, Dr. Dolenc listed the most important themes from the Second Vatican Council related to ecclesiology.
An open discussion then ensued that inspired both lecturers and the audience. The topic of discussion was the Roman primacy; the teachings of both the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches with respect to this problem that has shaken the Church for more than a thousand years were presented. Protopresbyter Dr. Radovan Bigovic emphasized that the problem reconciling the one and the many is a great one, and asked whether it was possible to call an Ecumenical Council of all Churches so that such an assembly could examine the role of the first, who by his authority should unite the many? Metropolitan Amfilohije examine the dimension of Peter’s primacy from two aspects, the human and the divine. He posed the question how to distinguish between the human and divine aspects of Peter’s primacy and went on to recall the words of Serbian Patriarch Pavle, who said that two primacies exist: the human (in time) and the divine (in the eschaton), and that the eschatological needs to be an icon for this primacy in time. Finally, Dr. Jure Zecevic emphasized that all that is necessary is to eliminate the bias that we are in different camps so that we can overcome all differences, even though they are hardly simple. The method of drawing nearer is extremely important, as well as that both Churches rest on common truths and faith in the Resurrected and Living Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator and the Savior.
izvor: Information Service of the Serbian Orthodox Church; November 18, 2004
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