Dear Fathers and brothers, Greetings in the Lord.
With all the soul, heart, mind and lips I testify and sign the „Confession of Faith Against Ecumenism“.
It is an article full of faith in our immortal Orthodoxy. It is an axe against the heresies and the heretics, in fact against the pan-heresy of the century, Ecumenism.
We, by the grace of God Bishops, we gave a grim oath during our ordination in front of the altar and the Holy Bible.
We promised not to blemish the treasure of the untainted faith, which was delivered to us by the Saints and Godbearing Fathers, of whom we are not worthy to loosen the laces of their footwear…
We owe therefore to act correctly in the confession of Faith, accepting all sacrifice.
No, we shall not betray the sacred and holy of our holy Orthodoxy, for the sake of a fake kindness and expressions of love of the ecumenists.
We shall remain with the grace of our Triadic God „firm and immovable“ (Col 1:23) in the faith, in conviction and in the practice of the Holy Fathers, like for example of Saint Gregory Palamas, of Saint Mark Evgenikos, of Saint Fotios and of all the holy fathers of our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the only Church in the World.
We shall remain, with the grace of God, Orthodox and faithful to the truth and, if God permits, even our lives we may surrender for Orthodoxy.
I conclude with the battle song of Orthodoxy of the holy monk Joseph Bryenniou:
„We shall not deny you our dear Orthodoxy, we shall not lie about you, respect delivered to us by our fathers. We were born in you, we live in you and in you we shall repose. If however times demand it, we shall die for you a thousand times“.
With glowing blessings
The Metropolitan
of Etolia and Akarnania, Cosmas. 18-06-09
See also..
A Confession of Faith Against Ecumenism
A Confession of Faith Against Ecumenism, from the Convention of Orthodox Clergymen and Monks April 2009. (5/30/09)
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