Redovni bratski sastanak sveštenstva obe eparhije Srpske pravoslavne crkve u Australiji i Novom Zelandu održan je od 10. do 13. septembra 2008. godine u Brizbanu i na Zlatnoj Obali.
Sabranju je predsedavao Njegovo Preosveštenstvo Episkop Irinej, a u radu su učestvovali preosvešteni Episkop Aljaske Nikolaj (Soraić) i većina klirika Srpske pravoslavne crkve petog kontinenta.
Bratski sastanak je započeo večernjim bogosluženjem u crkvi Svetog Nikole u Vejkolu, gde su domaćini sa velikom ljubavlju i radošću dočekali i ugostili episkope i sveštenstvo.
Liturgija Na praznik Usekovanja glave svetog Jovana Krstitelja, u prisustvu okupljenog sveštenstva i velikog broja vernih, episkop Nikolaj je služio Svetu arhijerejsku liturgiju u novopodignutom hramu Svetog Nikole u ulici Ros u Brizbanu. Bratsko sabranje našeg klira, sjedinjeno oko svog Episkopa Irineja kao oko samog Hrista, otpočelo je u molitvenom duhu. Na početku zasedanja protoprezviter stavrofor Srboljub Miletić je na dubokouman način protumačio jevanđelski odlomak o Dobrom pastiru.
Ovaj deo svešteničkog sastanka, nakon kojeg je usledilo predavanje đakona Branka Bosančića o svetoj Liturgiji kao tajni ljubavi Božije prema svakom čoveku i svim ljudima, imao je za cilj da naše sveštenstvo duhovno osnaži i učvrsti u međusobnom jedinstvu Ljubavi. Stoga se plodna diskusija, koja je usledila, odvijala u atmosferi međusobne ljubavi i poštovanja. Na isti način se razgovaralo i o poslovnim temama, kao što su: registracija i predavanje veronauke (Služba u hramu Sv. Nikole u Ross St.) po školama, obeležavanje dana srpske državnosti, ciklus bogosluženja, beseda i pastirskih predavanja, organizovanju naše omladine, seminara i kampova.
Iz razgovora i izveštaja se vidi da je postignut vidan uspeh. Ipak, imajući kao meru rasta visinu Hristovu, potrebno je nastaviti sa trudom kako bi se što uspešnije izgrađivala budućnost pravoslavne srpske zajednice u Australiji i Novom Zelandu.
Izvor: Eparhija australijsko-novozelandska
preuzeto sa spc.yu; 18. septembar 2008 – 14:07
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+Nikolai Retired By Synod
Author: Mark Stokoe; Date Published: 5/13/2008
Publication: Orthodox Christians For Accountability (OCANews)
The Synod of Bishops of the OCA acted decisively today by retiring Bishop Nikolai of Alaska and announcing the see was now officially ”vacant”. This means that the controversial former Bishop of Sitka, who had been on a personal ”leave of absence”, will not be returning to Alaska in his former office. +Nikolai physically left the state last Wednesday, but did not attend the meeting in Syosset that ultimately decided his fate.
At the same time the Synod refused to release the former Bishop of Alaska’s two chief assistants, Archmandrite Isidore (Brittain), Chancellor of the Dicoese, and hieromonk Panteleimon (Erikson) from the jurisdiction of the OCA to the Serbian Church as the Bishop had requested. The Synod also re-affirmed that Metropolitan Herman will remain as locum tenens of the diocese, while Bishop Benjamin will serve as the actual administrator.
In an announcement published late this afternoon, the Synod stated:
”The Holy Synod of Bishops, meeting at its full, regular Spring Session, reviewed the Leave-of-absence of His Grace, NIKOLAI, Bishop of Sitka, Anchorage, and Alaska, in accordance with the request of Bishop NIKOLAI that this be reviewed at the May Session, rather than at the October Session. The Holy Synod of Bishops of The Orthodox Church in America, meeting at the Chancery in Oyster Bay Cove, New York, effective May 13, 2008, retired His Grace Bishop NIKOLAI (Soraich) from the Diocese of Alaska, with the title ‘Former Bishop of Sitka.’ He remains, in retirement, a Bishop of the Orthodox Church in America.”
”The Holy Synod of Bishops of The Orthodox Church in America, meeting at its regular Spring Session on May 13, 2008, heard the correspondence from His Grace, Bishop NIKOLAI, on April 14, 2008, to His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, regarding the transfer of Archimandrite Isidore (Brittain) and Hierodeacon Panteleimon (Erickson) to His Grace, IRINEJ, Bishop of Australia, and New Zealand, of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The Holy Synod of Bishops declared these transfers of no effect, since a diocesan bishop cannot release a cleric beyond The Orthodox Church in America, without involving the Metropolitan directly, in accordance with the Statute of The Orthodox Church in America, Article VI, Section 4e. They remain clerics of The Orthodox Church in America, and of the Diocese of Alaska.”
”The Holy Synod of Bishops of The Orthodox Church in America declared on May 13, 2008, that the Diocese of Alaska is vacant.”
”The Holy Synod of Bishops named His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, Locum Tenens of the Diocese of Alaska.”
”The Holy Synod of Bishops named His Grace, Bishop BENJAMIN, Administrator of the Diocese of Alaska.”
”The Holy Synod of Bishops, recognizing the pressing need of the Diocese of Alaska, and at the same time the canonical limitations on the administration of a ‘widowed’ diocese, nevertheless acknowledged that His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, and His Grace, Bishop BENJAMIN, may exercise economia for the purpose of developing the needed good order.”
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