U vezi Vašeg akta br. 491, zap. 284 od 21.marta 1996.godine, kojim mi dostavljate odluku Nj.S. Patrijarha Carigradskog G-na Vartolomeja, kojom mi uskraćuje dozvolu za ulazak u Svetu Goru, čast nam je odgovoriti Svetom Sinodu sledeće:
Duboko me je zabolela činjenica da ste Vi, Vaša Svetosti, i braća Arhijereji, članovi Svetog sinoda, bez ikakve provere uzeli zdravo za gotovo čistu KLEVETU sadržanu u aktu Vaseljenskog Patrijarha da ja „održavam nekakve odnose i zajednicu sa raskolnicima, sa svrgnutim od strane Grčke Crkve sveštenikom Kiprijanom, koji se naziva episkopom Oroposa i File“ ( na čemu se i temelji zabrana meni ulaska u Svetu Goru), i što mi, na osnovu toga, skrećete pažnju (u duhu sugestije iz Carigrada) „da se držim kanonskog poretka Pravoslavne Crkve„.
Da ste me o tome upitali, Vaša Svetosti, kada sam nedavno bio kod Vas, rekao bih Vam ono što je i Bogu poznato: Da nikada od kada sam Episkop, a i ranije, nisam imao nikakav odnos i zajednicu sa pomenutim Kiprijanom, čak ni putem telefona.
I prvi deo moje tobožnje krivice da ja „svojim rečima i postupcima rušim ugled Vaseljenske Patrijaršije„, nema apsolutno nikakva osnova, niti za potvrdu toga navodi bilo koji dokaz. Naprotiv, postoje mnogobrojni dokazi da onaj koji mene poziva da se držim „reda i predanja Pravoslavne Crkve“ (dakle, Vaseljenski Patrijarh Vartolomej) sam lično, i oni sa njim, do sada su pogazili sve svete Kanone i predanja Crkve, sprovodeći svoje ekumenističke i ekspanzionističke ciljeve. Zato je do suza bolno da on i takvi opominju nekoga na držanje kanonskog predanja.
Ja znam, Vaša Svetosti, da ni naš Sinod, niti bilo koji drugi danas u svetu, nije u stanju, niti je spreman, da uzme u zaštitu Svete Kanone i svetootački crkveni poredak i OSUDi one koji su te osude dostojni (mnogi su i u našoj SPC). Ali zato spreman je i naš Sinod i ostali u svetu da sude i osuđuju one koji, držeći se Svetih Kanona i predanja Crkve Pravoslavne, podižu svoj glas u odbranu vere pravoslavne i žigošu na pristojan način (iznoseći samo činjenice) one koji su odavno prestupili međe koje postaviše Oci naši.
No ne mari ništa. Živ je Bog naš i svepravedni Sudija, koji to sve dobro vidi i zna, i čiji će sud biti pravedan. Žalosno je samo što mnogi, idući na kompromise i zajedničke molitve sa odlučenima i anatemisanima, sablažnjavaju i vode u večnu pogibao mnoge nevine duše za koje je Hristos postradao.
U uslovima u kojima živim i po moći koliko mi dozvoljavaju, trudim se da budem verni sledbenik i čuvar Svetih Kanona i Svetih Otaca, svedočeći jevanđelsku Istinu, da nikakvu zajednicu nema svetlost sa tamom, ni Hristos sa Velijarom. To i takvo moje svedočenje koje sam, tu i tamo, iznosio uglavnom u „Svetom Knezu Lazaru“, doživljava se i uzima kao „rušenje ugleda Vaseljenske Patrijaršije„. Ovde ću posvedočiti: Nema nikoga na svetu ko bi mogao ugledu Vaseljenske Patrijaršije toliko naškoditi kao sam Patrijarh Vartolomej i članovi njegove jerarhije svojim ekumenističkim postupcima i izjavama, a koje su poznate širom sveta.
Braćo i Oci Sinodalci, Vašu opomenu meni (bez obzira na to koliko je neosnovana) doživljavam kao prvi znak Vaše spremnosti da štitite Svete Kanone i poredak Crkve, verujući da će slične opomene biti blagovremeno upućene i onima u SPC, koji su se mnogo o te Kanone ogrešili i greše.
U toj dobroj nadi ostajem Svetom Sinodu odan u Gospodu
Episkop raško-prizrenski
Reply of Bishop Artemije to the Serbian Synod
In reference to your letter…of March 21, 1996, in which you informed me of the decision of His Holiness, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, to refuse to grant me permission to enter the Holy Mountain of Athos, I have the honor of replying to the Holy Synod as follows:
I was deeply disappointed by the fact that you, Your Holiness, and you, my brother Bishops, as members of the Holy Synod, took for granted, without any evidence, the open slander contained in the letter of the Ecumenical Patriarch, who contended that I have had ‘…certain contacts and communion with schismatics, with the Priest Cyprian, who was deposed by the Church of Greece and who calls himself the Bishop of Oropos and Fili.’ It is in consequence of this accusation that I have been barred from entering Mount Athos. Yet another reason for disappointment with you is your request (in keeping with the counsel of Constantinople) that I ‘adhere to the canonical order of the Orthodox Church.’
If you had asked me about this matter before, Your Holiness, when I last visited you, I would have told you what is known to God Himself: that I have never had, either as a Bishop or before, any contact or communion with Fili, not even by telephone.
Also, the primary allegation against me, that I have ‘damaged the reputation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’ by my words and actions, is unfounded, and no evidence is supplied to support such a charge. On the contrary, there is ample evidence that the very one who exhorts me to ‘adhere to the canonical order and the traditions of the Orthodox Church,’ i.e., the Ecumenical Patriarch himself, has, along with his Bishops, trampled upon all of the Holy Canons and traditions of the Church, in pursuit of the realization of their common ecumenical and liberal ideas. For this reason, it is distressing and difficult to accept that he, and those like him, should reprimand anyone for failing to uphold canonical tradition.
I know, Your Holiness, that neither our Synod nor any other in the world today is able or ready to uphold the Holy Canons and traditional Church order and to accuse those who are worthy of chastisement (many of them in our Serbian Orthodox Church). Yet, on the other hand, both our Synod and others are ready to accuse and judge those who, adhering to the Holy Canons and the traditions of the Orthodox Church, raise their voice in defense of the Orthodox Faith, identifying, in a brotherly way (and supporting themselves with facts), those who have already violated the limits set by our Fathers. But so be it. Our God is a living God, an All-Merciful Judge, Who sees and knows all things perfectly well and Whose judgment will be just. It is, nonetheless, deplorable that many (ecumenists), compromising and praying together with the condemned and anathematized, have become a scandal, leading into everlasting perdition numerous among the innocent souls for whom Christ was crucified.
In the circumstances in which I live today, and according to my powers, I am trying to be a faithful disciple and guardian of the Holy Canons of the Fathers, bearing witness to the evangelical Truth that light cannot have any communion with darkness, or Christ with Belial. This testimony, which I have set forth in our diocesan periodical, Prince Saint Lazar, has been offered as proof of my having ‘damaged the reputation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.’ Here I will bear witness once again: There is NO ONE in the world today who has so much harmed the reputation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate as Patriarch Bartholomew HIMSELF, together with the members of his Hierarchy, by their ecumenical activities and statements, which are well-known all over the world.
Brethren and Fathers of the Synod, your reproach to me (however unfounded) I take as a prime indication of your readiness and zeal to protect the Holy Canons and the good order of the Church. I only hope that similar admonitions will be sent, in due time, to those in the Serbian Orthodox Church who have indeed violated, and continue to violate, these very same Canons.
In that good hope I remain faithful in Lord to the Holy Synod
Bishop of Rashka and Prizren
(This letter was published in the magazine Sveti Knez Lazar, in May last year. So far there was no response from the Synod concerning the attitudes expressed in this letter. Bishop Artemije is still under ban from Constantinople. He is a spiritual son of St. Justin Popovich, the great Serbian Confessor.)
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