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Рубрика: Политика, Аустралија, Религија, Друштво    Аутор: Кукуље    пута прочитано    Датум: 16.05.2012    Одштампај
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Патријарх српски Иринеј Гавриловић

Српски бизнисмен Милорад Тркуља после победе у судском спору са америчким гигантом Јахуом наставља борбу за правду,част и чест и има намеру да ослободи насилно и на превару узурпирана имања Срба у Аустралији.

16.05.2012; Кукуље


Господин Тркуља је 12 маја 2012 године послао  службено (тужбено)  писмо Патријаху Српском Иринеју, Св Синоду СПЦ , аустралиском Владици Иинеју Добријевићу и Управи ЦШО СВ Стефан са захтевом да му се продужи чланство ЦШО СВ. Стефан до 18 Јуна 2012. године. Уколико се на овај зехтев г. Тркуље не одговори позитивно он ће бити приморан да поднесе тужбу  против Патријаха Иринеја, владике аустралијско-новозеландског  Иринеја (Добријевића) и управе ЦШО Св Стефан. Напомињемо да је Милорада Тркуља члан Црквене општине скоро 30 година.




UlicaKralja Petra br. 5
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Central +381-11-3283-997


THE DIOCESAN EXECUTIVE BOARD Diocese of Australia and New Zealand The Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Australia and New Zealand Sydney
Bishop IrinejDobrijevic14 Renwick Street Alexandria NSW 2015 AUSTRALIA
Tel: +61 2 9517 9600Fax: +61 2 9517 9700E-mail bishop@soc.org.au

“STSTEFANTHE ARCHDEACON ”Mr DusanZabic President 115 Church Road Keysborough Vic 3173 Tel: 9769 0059 Fax: 9706 3350

Your Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej

MiloradTrkulja refer to current CONSTITUTION OF THE SEBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZELAND FUNDAMENTAL REGULATIONS. The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbain Orthodox Church No. 1376/Min.3637th June 1983 BelgradeYugoslavia. This is only legally Constitution approved in Australia

Your HolinessSerbian Patriarch Irinej

Concerns Notice: s.14 Defamation Act 2005 (Vic)

The First Serious Defamation Against MiloradTrkulja

MILORAD TRKULJA’S Complaints as follows:

MiloradTrkulja is writing with respect to The Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Australia and New Zealand Sydney Church Act-Judgment EUO/ES 17/11

1. Based on the evidence of so far Anti-Christian activities and Anti-Church activities of MiloradTrkulja,

2. a self-proclaimed “conjurer”, who advertises himself in the Creationpress as a “natural healer” who “removes bad luck, black magic, evil eyes, voodoo, and other curses”

3. MiloradTrkulja is “expert for sex and interpersonal relationship” and

4. Who obviously does not profess the Orthodox religion and our Lord Jesus Christ in accordance with the decisions First and Second Universal Church: and

5. The owner and editor of anti-Church website (Smotra) and

6. The person who recently announced an indictment against SPC (Serbian Orthodox Church) and HG (His Grace) Bishop Irinej. and

7. But also an applicant for membership in one of our subordinate CSC (Church-School Council)

8. The Ruling Committee of the Australia-New Zealand Diocese of the Australia-New Zealand Diocese,

9. NovogracanickaMetropolitante, has found necessary to, on the presidential suggestion, by consensus issue the following: DECISION:

MiloradTrkulja is banned for life a membership in all bodies of the Australia-New Zealand Diocese and for Australia and New Zealand, NovogracanickaMetropolitante.

All Church-School Councils, missionary regions and our subordinate Dioceses to be informed of this Dacision in Writing.

With archbishop blessing and fatherly love, Bishop of Australia and New Zealand Bishop-Administrator of the Australia-New Zealand Diocese NovogracanickaMetropolitans. SIGNATURE AND RYBBER STAMP APPEAR

President of the Diocese Ruling Committee of the Australia-New Zealand Diocese NovogracanickaMetropolitans.

Bishop cannot Prove that Mr Trkulja is involved in any Anti-Christian and Anti-Church activities

10. Second Serious Defamation Against MiloradTekulja

Mr Gudelj on behalf the Church committee members stated as followsdeliberately Re-Published

On 27 March 2011 on Church letter head of “St Stefan the Archdeacon” was re-published with Defamatory containing the Bishop Act-Judgment. Bishop has banned MrTrkulja as a Church member . Bishop Act-Judgment is Defamation to MiloradTrkulja’s Reputation’s . the letter was signed by President Mr RatkoGudelj on behalf of the Church Committee Members. The Churchlatter is extremely defamatory to MrTrkulja’s Reputation standing in Serbian Community in Australia.

(a) MiloradTrkulja is Anti-Chistian activities and Anti-Church activities

(b) MiloradTrkulja is Anti-Serbian activities

(c) MiloradTrkulja is Anti-Serbian activities for advertising in Croatian etnich newspaper.

(d) MiloradTrkulja is Anti-Serbian activities for been head editor of Smotra website.

(e) RatkoGudelj State that the MiloradTrkulja is Anti-Serbian activities for announcing that he will take legal action against Serbian Church and Serbian Bishop On the anti Serbian website novinar.de

(f) MiloradTrkulja is ban for life to be Church financial Member in any church in Australia.

(g) MiloradTrkulja if you like to come to the Church if you believe and if you like.

(h) MiloradTrkulja in regards to the Act/Judgment that we received from the Bishop because this is legal matter we can only give you if you obtain Court Orders.

Ex-President Mr RatkoGudelj Can Not Prove that MiloradTrkuljais involved in any Anti-Christian and Anti-Church activities. MiloradTrkulja taking legal action in Supreme Court Melbourne against Ex-President Mr RatkoGudelj

12. Third Very Serious Defamation against MiloradTrkulja and his Family .

On 9 Januarys 2012Our Church Patron Celebrations (CrkvenaKrsnaSlava) Bishop, rev Videkanic and president Mr Zabicdeliberately defamed Mr Trkulja in front 400 church people. Bishop did not allowed MiloradTrkulja to kiss the Church Cross and rev CedoVidekanic did not allowed to take church bread.

President Mr Zabic and rev CedoVidekanic in the Church Hall cameto my table and demanded that MiloradTrkulja and his family to live the Church Patron Celebration or (KrsnaSlava) or Bishop will not came in the Church Hall to bless Church lunch Mr Trkulja refused and advised President Mr DusanZabic and rev CedoVidekanic if Mr Trkulja did somethingwrong please call The Victoria Police. (000)

When MiloradTrkulja refused to go out the president Mr Zabic and rev Videkanic have advised many of the Church committee and gests that the Bishop demands that MiloradTrkulja and his family must live the Church celebration or Bishop will not came to Bless Church Lunch. MiloradTrkulja was approached by minimum 200 Church Members. The Church Members asked MiloradTrkulja to explain what was the problem between MiloradTrkulja and the Bishop. MiloradTrkulja has explained to the Church Members and friends that first Bishop did not allowed MiloradTrkulja to Kiss the Bishop Cross and rev CedoVidekanic did not give the holly bread to MiloradTrkulja. All Church members told MiloradTrkulja to stay and the many of our Church members told miloradTrkulja were Bishop was when MiloradTrkulja lend the Church $12.000 to put the Roof on the Church Hall, Many Church people left the Church Lunch. At 1:45pm Bishop come to the Church and Blass the Lunch.

13. MiloradTrkulja Serbian Church Member as 1978 to 2007 Background information

MiloradTrkulja was financial memeber of the Serbian Ortodox Church-School Community “St. Stefan the Archdeacon as from 1978 to 2007. MiloradTrkulja’s Final Demand that the Church committee members to re-instate Mr Trkulja membership by 15 June 2012 at 2:00pm

Mr Trkulja asked Rev Videkanic if he knew who lent to the Church $12.000 on 17% interest for 2 years to pay for the roof of the Church hall in 1978. Mr Trkulja told Rev Videkanic that was Mr Trkulja at the time nobody asked where Mr Trkulja live, and after 2 years the Church paid Mr Trkulja $12.000 plus $4.100 interest and MiloradTrkulja took his $12.000 and the interest of $4.100 which Mr Trkulja gave as donation to build new Church that we did not have at the time.

In late October 2010,MiloradTrkulja gave $20 to the Church Treasurer, Mr Vojislav Djokic and requested that the Serbian Ortodox Church-School Community “St.Stefan The Archdeacon ” to re-instateMiloradTrkulja’s Church membership.

On 13 December 2010 at Springvale Cemetery where MiloradTrkulja has buried his late Mother MilkaTrkulja, Church Treasurer Mr Vojislav Djokic gave back $20, to MiloradTrkulja and advised him that Rev Videkanic told Church committee members that Mr Trkuljadosent live near the Church and he should not asked to re-instate as Church membership, Mr Trkulja lives in Melbourne City and he should go to Brunswick Serbian Church “SvTrojice” in Brunswick and to make new applications to be Church member at SvTrojice..

MiloradTrkulja and family after funeral invited the Church parish and frends to attend Mr Trkulja’s late Mother wake (last supper) at Church Hall. Rev Videkanic was setting with Mr Trkulja and his Family. Mr Trkuljaasked RevVidekanic why he prevented Mr Trkulja to re-instate as Church Member. Rev Videkanic did not respond.

14. MiloradTrkuljaasking under which Church rule the rev Videkanic based his decision to Stop Mr Trkulja application to be put to motion to the Church Committee members to vote to re-instate or vote tonot re-instateMiloradTrkulja membership.

15. MiloradTrkulja asked Rev Videkanic is the Church rules the same for Priest and for Church Members, Rev Videkanic replied same. Mr Trkulja told Rev Videkanic that the Mr Trkulja never lives in Springvale but was church member as from 1978 to 2007 and live on following addresses in the last 25 years. The Rev CedomirVidekanichas come to bless Mr Trkulja house on 20 January every year and Bless Main Day“KrsnuSlavaSv Jovan Krstitelj”and Mr Trkulja gave donation $100 each time in cash.

15,1My first House at 60 Clifton StreetNorth Balwyn from 1984 to 1989 and
15.2 My second Houseat 8 Strling Street,Kew and from 1990 to 1998 and
15.3 My Apartment at 108/33 Jeffcott Street Melbourne from 1999 to 2007

Accordingly,MiloradTrkuljaDemand thatby 4.00p.m. 18June 2012

Your Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, To directand order to Australian Bishop IrinejDobrijevicto do as follow:

16. Bishop IrinejDobrijevic must withdraw the Church ActEUO/EC No. 17/11 that is issued illegally Church Act using new Constitutions 2010 approved by The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade Yugoslavia.

(a) Bishop sendthe window to all Serbian Churches in Australia and New Zealand
(b) Bishop IrinejDobrijevic to make writne apology to MiloradTrkulja and his family
(c) Publish an apology in Serbian Newspaper Serbian Voice, Vesti, and Novosti.

17. Accordingly also MiloradTrkulja further demandthat by 4.00 p.m. 18 June 2012

They must to make written apology to MiloradTrkulja and his family

17.1 Mr RatkoGudelj Vice President

17.2 Mr DusanZabicPresident

17.3 rev CedoVidekanicHead of our Church

17.4 Re-instate MiloradTrkulja church member

17.5 Publish an apology in Serbian Newspaper Serbian Voice, Vesti, and Novosti.

18 You would be well advised to comply with these demands immediately and to inform me in writing of your agreement to do by 18 June 2012 at 4:00 pm

19 Please note that in the event that these matters are not agreed, MiloradTrkulja will instructions my solicitor to issue legal proceedings against you without further notice, and MiloradTrkulja’s claim will include a claim for Defamation and claim for aggravated and exemplary damages pursuant to the Defamation Act 2005 (Vic). Australia

20 This letter does not purport to constitute a complete or exhaustive statement of all of myself MiloradTrkulja rights, contentions or legal theories. Nothing contained herein is intended as, nor should it be deemed to constitute, a waiver or relinquishment of any of our Client’s rights or remedies whether legal or equitable, all of which are hereby expressly reserved.

Further Background Information relevant General Assembly, dated 22/08/2010.

21 “St Stefan the Archdeacon” Committee members did not accept Bishop New Constitution, that the Bishop illegally enforced on Serbian church members in Australia. The New Constitution was set up to transfer and take over ownership of all Serbian Church properties in Australia with out approval of all Churchs Members. Bishop private Company were Bishop appointed himself as Director and othe 3 Directors unknown to Majoeties of the Serbian Church Members in Australia.

22 “The General Assembly (SOC) “Saint Archangel Stefan” Keysborough,on 22/08/2010 from minute of miting page 9 “Father Cedo has offered a suggestion for a vote to not accept this Constitution draft as a lager majority of the members, considering that Father Cedo,Father Milan and two members Trakilovic and Zrakic withdrew their votes”. Undersigned are President RatkoGudelj, Head of the Church father CedomirVidekanicand SecretaryAndjelkoStjepanovic.”

23 “One week later Bishop called Mr Gudelj and asked why the Church Committee rejected New Constitution, Mr Gudelj explain that the Church members doesn’t want give or transfer our Church Title to Bishop Private Company were Bishop appointed himself without asking our Church Members and all 50 Churches in Australia. With new Constitution the Church Members has no legal standing. Bishop can sell our property without asking anybody or other church property in Australia”

24 “Bishop advised and promised to Mr Gudelj that the Bishop accept all changes that the Church committee asked on the meeting held on 22/08/2010 The Bishop asked that Mr Gudelj to signed that the Serbian Orthodox Church-School Community “St Stefan the Archdeacon”

25 “Mr Gudelj without calling General Meeting or advise any church committee members who have votedto reject New Constitution on 22/08/2010 Mr Gudeljhas illegally signed false documenton-behalf of all Church committee members that the all Church members has accept New Constitution”.

26 On 11 September 2011, The General Assembly (SOC) “St Stefan the Archdeacon”President Mr Gudelj has admitted thathehas breached Church Constitution by illegallysigned that the church document that Church members accepted in full New Constitution on 22/08/2010 without calling Church General Assembly meeting.Mr Gudelj has explained that Bishop has called Mr Gudeljthat theBishop will amended New Constitution as requested by Church member on the meeting held on 22/08/2010.

27 Mr Guudeljhas asked that the all church members toforgive him. Bishop has mislead andliedto Mr Gudelj. The Church Members accepted MrGudelj’sexplanation. Mr Gudelj moved motion that General Assembly members to make final judgment the last years. General Assembly held on 22/8/10 The members voted to accept Mr Gudelj explanation .

28 Mr Gudelj moved the motion to vote by the Church members have Confirmed that the “St Stefan the Archdeacon” Keysborough do not accept the Bishop New Constitution.

Why the Bishop IrinejDobrijevic Ban Innocent Serbian Church Member MiladinProvulovic

Bishop banMiladinPrvulovic who work last 35 years all electrical work on New Church FREE

29 Annual Meeting held on 22/08/2010 MiladinPrvulovic has made a comment on the New Constitution which regulates the Church Property.

30 Mr Prvulovic showed a copy of registration as Serbian Orthodox Church In Australia and New ZelandProperties LTD ACN:129 465 194 date 31/01/2008with Bishop appointed himself as Director without and approval from our Church Members and Church Members in Australia.

31 MiloradPrvulovic said: if we analyse all this as it is all connected and truly look like a big fraud and deceit.

32 MiloradPrvulovic asked who gave the Bishop a right to register a company.

33 Mr Prvulovic asked rev Milan Milutinovicwhen the receipts from paying-off the debt money $200.000 that he borrowed from our Church. Rev Milutinovic jumped and made his way towards Mr Prvulovic to beat him and asked to go outside so he can beat Mr Prvulovic. Several members of the Assembly immediately jumped and prevented and made rev Milutinovic to set back in his place and so prevented rev Milan Milutinovicto beat MiloradPrvulovic.

34 Bishop did not ban or take any action against rev Milutinovic for jumping to beat Mr Prvulovic for asking rev Milutinovic to show the receipts from paying-off the debt that he borrowed $200.000 from our Church and dose want to pay-back Church Money, with help Bishop

35 Bishop Irinejhasallowed Ex-rev Milan Milutinovic who has black belt to threatensome old innocent Serbian Church members who cannot defend themselves. This is Criminal Act. This neverhappened in last 40 years even when Josip Broz Tito sent is spy to our Church Priest to Australia

36 Bishop used illegally new constitution to ban MiladinPrvulovic from church membership. Bishop decision based on the Constitution of the Australia Diocese, Art,9, Par.14 we issue the following: “Due to his false evidence, as presented in the minutes of the Assembly, page 4, and defamation on his Bishop in charge, MiladinPrvulovic Loses all rights privileges of a Church Member of the Church-School Council of “Saint Archangel Stefan” in Keysborough, for one year.”

37 The New Serbian Constitution 2010 that was approved by The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade Yugoslavia.Bishop IrinejDobrijevic has registration Property LTD with Bishop appointed himself as Director without and approval from our Church Members and Church Members in Australia.

38 Your Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej,and your appointed Bishop to Australia IrinejDobrijevicAmerican born without propyl finishing school for priest in Serbia like every other priest and Bishop. The USA CIA give MirkoDobrijevic propyl school to steal Serbian Church Property.

39 During NATO lead by USA Generals was booming our innocent Serbian children and People. The IrinejDobrijevic cameto Belgrade on-behalf of USA Government send by criminal Bill Clintonto save 2 USA Criminals Pilots who boomed our Serbian innocent children and People .

40 …. and steal our Serbian Church’s and Propertiesto be transfer to Serbian Orthodox Church In Australia and New Zeland Properties LTD ACN:129 465 194 date 31/01/2008with Bishop appointed himself as 32

41 The New Serbian Constitution 2010 that was approved by The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade Yugoslavia.The cannot legally transfer and take ownership of our Serbian Church Properties that we Proud Serbs in Australia build with our donation for our Children and our Serbian Religions last 60 years.

42 The Australian Law doesn’t recognise the New Serbian Constitution approved in 2010 in Belgrade. You are HillinesPatriachIrinejandyour Greedy Bishop want our Serbian Property to be transfer to USA Born Bishop PRIVATE Properties LTD Resisted ACN:129 465 194 the Transfer must be approved by the Supreme Court Melbourne Australia.Please be advised that MiloradTrkulja has win $225.000 in the Supreme Court MelbourneFirst Defamation case in Australia against USA Internet Giant Yahoo Inc

Your Are Hilliness Patriarch Irinej Bless me in Big Respect

MiloradTrkuljaPS My adviseFrom all Bishops who was in Australia last 40 yearsthe only “Bishop LonginKrco”can stop 3Serbian Church Court proceeding and get all churches back tighter including Monasteries Kalenic in Canberra and10Churches valued $100+Millionsthat was lost by Bishop IrinejDobrijevic



16.05.2012;  Кукуље, Аустралија

ПС: Писмо је стигло из Београдске Патријаршије




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